Monday, August 25, 2014

Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me

Finally, Henry found time to see me again. But he was pressed for time because he had a CoDA meeting to go to so we just met in another coffee shop.

So we sat there and talked about religion and child upbringing and the education system and we agreed on so many things; I love talking to this man! But I was also terribly aware of his strong hands as he sipped his coffee or fiddled with the wrapping from the complimentary piece of chocolate that came with it. I could see he was hairy; he had long, blond arm hair peeking out from under the sleeve and a bit on the back of his hands. And with a couple of buttons unbuttoned at the top of his shirt, I could see a bunch of even longer chest hair swaying to the rhythm of his Adam's apple. And I just luuuv body hair, it drives me crazy.

In fact, Henry turned me on so much that I couldn't sit still there, I just wanted him to reach over the table grab me in his strong, hairy arms, kiss me passionately and use those big hands with long piano fingers to explore my body. But we were in a coffee shop and it was the middle of the day and he was getting late for his meeting. So in the end, all I got was a quick peck on the cheek and a boyish wink accompanied with his beautiful smile, before he rushed off to catch the bus.

I stumbled out of the coffee shop and went to a nearby gift shop run by a friend of mine. She knew nothing about Henry but as soon as I was over the threshold she raised her eyebrows and asked "Are you in LOVE???" I just laughed nervously, said I might at least be falling in love, hard. And since she's initially an actress, I asked her whether she might have heard of Henry, the cameraman? Oh yes, "Henry?" she nodded dreamily, "Oh, I bet he's an amazing lover, there's just something about him."

I couldn't agree more. I bet he's a wonderful kisser and a perfect lover. Definitely one of those who enjoys kissing so much he can spend hours snogging.

Then how come he hasn't tried to kiss me yet? He obviously likes me, he finds me funny and intellectually stimulating. He sends me messages telling me how great it is to be able to talk about these things (the Universe etc.) with me. And I AM cute and attractive and sexy and most men can't keep their hands off me once I give them permission. As well as those I don't give permission.

Discussing this with my friends, they reminded me of the Sex and the City episode where Carrie started dating a recovering alcoholic and it was all too soon so he wound up drinking again. I am aware that Henry is dealing with a lot of stuff at the moment, rediscovering himself and all that. And I do admire him for doing all this hard work to become a better man, not doing things half-heartedly.

I'm just not very patient! I wanna be kissed!!!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

My New Boyfriend

How could I become so smitten with some guy I’d only met once?

For the next few days I was in some sort of a daze. All I could think about was how much I wanted to meet Henry again. And by ‘meeting’ him I meant kissing him too. I just knew by instinct he’d be a great kisser, he had this air about him, of being a great lover. Slow, sensual lover who’d whisper in your ear with this deep, soft voice. Mmmm.

However, he was a very busy man, shooting films and commercials on weekends, tutoring at a film school mid-week. And when it wasn’t work related it was AA meetings. Every night, seven nights a week. And on Sundays, he’d go to CoDA meetings in the afternoon as well. He also sometimes had to turn up early to the meetings because he had some sort of a job, arranging the chairs, making coffee and stuff. He was very much into it.

But even though we weren’t seeing much of each other, we talked. A lot. Suddenly I enjoyed talking on the phone for ages, something I’d normally not do. In fact, up until now I thought I suffered from phone-phobia but perhaps I just never had anyone interesting enough to talk to!

I loved hearing Henry’s deep voice over the phone and listen to all his wisdom. He was reading books and contemplating life, death, the universe and such. Thanks to him, I’ve now started reading The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. It’s a nice read, although I think I might have made most of those discoveries a decade ago and would have needed Tolle’s advice much more then.

Still getting texts from Eddie, the boy, though. I keep replying politely but last night, I received two texts, one from Eddie and one from Henry, in the same minute.  

After having texted Henry about how impatient I was getting, waiting for our second date, wondering if he in fact wanted to see me again at all, he replied: “There’s only one moment, this one here and now. And if my moment becomes your moment sometime soon, I will relish that. x” Eddie’s text read: “Hey, u goin out tonite girrrl?”

I lied to Eddie, told him I was having a nice evening in, with my new boyfriend. Well, it wasn’t a complete lie. I wanted to spend that Saturday night in, on the couch… texting Henry, who was technically my soon-to-be-boyfriend anyways!