Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Sorry it‘s been so long, I’ve been terribly busy lately but also...I guess I’ve been too frustrated to want to share with you the great disappointment. Too disappointed to want to admit my newest failure.

After the fabulous date, it was obvious Carl really liked me. And I liked him in a way that I found him interesting, kind, cute, sweet, intellectual, funny, surprising, impressive and he sure could kiss! Yup, he turned me on. I was very excited about all this.

So, I was certain I’d hear from him soon again and decided not to seem clingy or pushy by contacting him first.

Then two days passed, without a word. By the third day I forgot about being lady-like and texted him to see how he was doing? (Any man should know that translates into: Why haven’t you called me???)
But he just said he was fine, and how was I myself?

So I admitted I had been wondering if I’d ever hear from him again. He called right away, explaining nervously how he’d been trying not to seem too keen and keep his cool. We laughed it off.
And then he suggested a movie date the following night which I accepted, even though I had an early meeting the morning after for which I needed to prepare well. I didn’t care, I wanted to see Carl.

I had almost finished prepping for the meeting when it was time to run to the cinema where I met Carl, looking all stylish and cute, ready with the tickets like a true gentleman.
I gave him a lingering kiss because he just looked so adoreable there and we gazed at each other, knowing exactly what awaited us after the movie.

Which is why I didn’t pay much attention to it but concentrated more on stroking and squeezing Carl’s hand resting on my thigh.

As soon as the movie was over, we were at his place and headed straight for the bedroom.

It was...good. He was attentive and considerate and fairly passionate...but he didn’t say a word or laugh or anything. There was a certain lack of intimacy and afterwards he got up and put on a robe to go downstairs to get us something to drink.

That was considerate of him, but I could have gone for a few minutes without getting a sip of water, instead I would have liked to cuddle a bit and be silly, as you do. But he didn’t offer that at all, he didn’t take the robe off again and just sat on the bed, chatting. Chatting!

Yes, I had told him I had that early morning meeting and couldn’t stay overnight, but I didn’t expect him to want me out right away. There was something very awkward about this.

So I just got dressed and left, and the long, deep kiss in Carl’s doorway didn’t make up for the fact that I was leaving only 20 minutes after climaxing. And I didn’t feel any intimacy at all.